Support us
You too can help save lives
by supporting Magen David Adom
Thanks to your generosity, we can continue our commitment to Israel. We can help SAVE LIVES.
All your donations enable Israel to meet its daily needs for ambulances and medical equipment to deal with accidents, terrorist attacks and natural disasters.
Every year, hundreds of thousands of people receive help from the MDA’s emergency services.
E-banking donation
You can make your donation to Magen David Adom by scanning this QR CODE with your e-banking application.

Donation by bank transfer
Bénéficiaire : Association les amis suisses du Maguen David Adom
Adresse bénéficiaire : Chemin Frank-Thomas 34 1208 Genève Suisse
N° IBAN : CH4200788000050856198
Tax-deductible donations
Give Blood in Israel

When you’re in Israel, visit one of the many blood donation centres.
There are many ways to help Magen David Adom and the citizens of Israel. As Israel’s national blood service, MDA processes, tests, treats and distributes the entire blood supply across the country.
There are a number of ways to give blood through the MDA blood services. The below resources are provided by MDA in Israel, and are in Hebrew.
If you require assistance, please contact MDA Blood Services on phone or whatsapp via 00972(0)35300400 or email